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While not as loud and proud as nearby Brussels, a trip to Gay Luxembourg is sure to include plenty of wine, days wandering art galleries or rolling forest hills and getting lost in the UNESCO listed old town – but come night you will have the option of quiet cocktails with stunning views, lively piano bars, or surprisingly good gay clubbing (if one of the frequently held events are on).

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Much like the country, the Gay Luxembourg scene is small, easy-going, well-organised but very fun (if you know where to look). Luxembourg, the tiny sliver of a country squashed between France, Belgium and Germany – is not only one of the world’s most wealthy countries but also one of few to have an openly gay prime minster.Ī country where “people do not consider the fact of whether some is gay or not”, the capital – Luxembourg City – offers a romantic fairytale-esque setting for a gay-friendly getaway with plenty of art, culture, cafes and French charm.

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