Sadly the majority of Japanese massage shops don't offer any sort of sexual services so don't go visiting one expecting a secret menu. If are your ever approached by one, never ever speak to or acknowledge the street touts presence as they will only tell you what you want you want to hear to get you through the door to sucker you in! They operate out of residential apartment with Chinese street touts in the vicinity outisde intercepting drunk Japanese salary men and foreign tourists on their way home. These law breaking massage parlors are mostly within walking distance to a metropolitan train station in Tokyo. These illegal operations are run like any other Asian Massage Parlor in the world which are legally registered and operated, but off the books have hand jobs and sex on offer. The fierce competition with illegally run Asian massage parlors are just too much to compete with to run a profitable business for the locales.
Legally operating Japanese owned and staffed happy ending massage shops are extremely rare and almost non-existent even in a city like Tokyo.